How do you make money from YouTube


Making money online is becoming more and more popular and thanks to services such as Google Adsense and YouTube’s Partner Program, it has never been easier.


What is YouTube Partner Program?

As you are probably already aware, people worldwide are watching billions of videos every day on YouTube. As a YouTube partner, you can share in the revenue generated when they watch your videos. You can also rent streaming videos directly to viewers. And with YouTube's analytics and content management tools, you can target your preferred demographics and protect your copyrights, while providing viewers with a high-quality, branded experience.



To become a YouTube Partner, you must meet these minimum requirements:

  • You create original videos suitable for online streaming.
  • You own or have express permission to use and monetise all audio and video content that you upload—no exceptions.
  • You regularly upload videos that are viewed by thousands of YouTube users, or you publish popular or commercially successful videos in other ways (such as DVDs sold online).


Tips on improving your success with YouTube Partner Program

Making money on YouTube and other video sites is actually not that difficult if you know what to do. Here are a few tips to get you started:

  • Content is King

Generally, the more content you have the greater the earning potential. It is probably a good idea to create videos on a topic you have a lot of experience or passion for so as you are able to create lots of original content. If one of your videos does well, YouTube will send you an email with the subject heading: “Apply for revenue sharing for your video (Video Title).”

  • Apply directly via YouTube’s Partner Program page


If you don’t receive an invite to join YouTube’s Partner Program but you think you have enough video uploads and views, you can apply directly for partnership via the YouTube’s Partner Program page. Once approved, you will be able to turn on revenue sharing for all your videos (As long as they meet the requirements above). You may even be able to rent out your videos.

  • Post in Blogs and forums

If you want to become a YouTube Partner, you have to regularly upload videos that are viewed by thousands of YouTube users. One way to help your video go viral is to post links on related blogs and forums or distribute your video through social networking sites.

  • Add Premium Partners’ Videos on your Blog or Website

If you have an Adsense account, you can generate more traffic for your YouTube video by creating a YouTube Video Player and placing it on your own blog or website. You can customize your player according to various categories, keywords and content providers. To add the YouTube Video Player to your blog or website, log in to your Adsense account and copy the ‘Video Units’ code and paste it into your site.

  • Use the right Keywords

Most people find what they are looking for on YouTube via a search. Having a lot of relevant keywords in your title will help you get their attention. You target market will be able to find your video quickly for your targeted keywords and you will get more views as well as more comments.


To get the best out of your keywords, use keywords that have the highest amount of searches on YouTube and Google, this will help effectively target the right audience increasing your chances to make money on YouTube. With good keyword research and targeting you can also get your videos indexed within the search engines such as Google and this can really help drive traffic to your videos.


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Tags: how to make money; how do you make money online; how to make money from youtube