How does twitter work


What is twitter

Twitter is a free online social networking and mcroblogging service. Twitter allows its users to communicate by sending text-based posts (up to 140 characters), also known as ‘tweets’.

How do I sign up

If you don’t already have a twitter account, signing up is free and easy to do. Visit, type in your email address, pick a username (Tip: Use your real name so that friends and colleagues will recognize you), choose a password and upload a profile image so that others can recognize you.

How does twitter work

When you sign up to twitter, you can use the service to post and receive messages (tweets) with a network of friends and other contacts. When you post a new message (tweet) the message is shared with all of your contacts. Once signed in, a user can also follow other users and, by following a few simple tips, can quickly build a network of friends. Twitter can also be linked in to other social networks, blogs and websites via use of the Twitter button as well as being used as a very effective marketing tool.


How does retweeting work

Hover over a tweet and you will see the retweet button. Click on the retweet button and anything you retweet will appear in the feeds of all those users who are following you. As well as benefiting the original poster, retweeting can also benefit you too. Retweeting can help build relationships with the original poster as well as provide value to your own followers however, be careful not to retweet rubbish, make sure what you retweet is relevant and of value to those who follow you.

How do I get more followers

Want more followers, follow these simple tips.

Tags: how to get more followers on twitter; how does twitter work; How does retweeting work; what is twitter